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Jennie Antolak
3 days ago2 min read
Who Put Me in Charge? The Absurdity of Control and the Art of Letting Go
if we still once in a while have moments of sheer panic knowing we are responsible for the trajectory of lives, imagine how our clients feel

Jennie Antolak
3 days ago1 min read
Hold My Beer… or Courage Beverage of Choice
Do you remember those wild childhood moments when all it took was a spark of curiosity—or pure stubbornness—to convince yourself you...

Jennie Antolak
Feb 283 min read
Raise Your Hand If You Are Willing to Feel Like a Fool (Yeah, Didn’t Think So)
Raise Your Hand If You Are Willing to Feel Like a Fool Even the word fool makes most of us cringe. No one wakes up thinking, You know...

Jennie Antolak
Feb 252 min read
The Messy Middle: The Change No One Talks About (or Allows)
while we claim to understand that transformation takes time, when it’s happening to someone else, we get impatient. We want progress. Now.

Jennie Antolak
Feb 222 min read
You Are Not the Boss of Me: How coaching is a nudge to take control of one's life
we have an innate drive to figure out life—our way. Yet, when someone swoops in, convinced they know best, how often do we not push back

Jennie Antolak
Oct 11, 20242 min read
Who's Really Calling the Shots: How predefined constructs can confine a client's progress.
Help clients uncover what rules they are unconsciously upholding and determine what is worth constructing on their own to live purposefully.

Jennie Antolak
Oct 9, 20242 min read
Sourcing the Story Beats Expert Advice Every Time
Our stories are deeply personal, so no matter how well-intentioned or logical someone else's advice may be, it rarely fits-often offends.

Jennie Antolak
Sep 16, 20243 min read
Attitude Must Be Chosen, Not Imposed
Attitude is indeed a gateway—or a gatekeeper—to solving challenging situations. Discover ways to wake people up & choose their attitude.

Jennie Antolak
Sep 9, 20242 min read
Strategies for Aligning Actions with Desires
When a client is stuck in a cycle of inaction, exploring the following three critical beliefs and their related questions can help

Jennie Antolak
Sep 2, 20242 min read
Change Doesn't Happen In A Vacuum
If our clients aren’t prepared, their conviction toward their goals can be drained faster than the latest Dyson could ever manage.

Jennie Antolak
Aug 26, 20242 min read
Managing the In-Between: Helping Clients Stay the Course
written by Jennie Antolak, MCC Let's Dive In: The longer clients linger between the story they’ve left behind and the one they’re still...

Jennie Antolak
Jun 27, 20243 min read
Unlocking Clarity: Synchronicity Solutions for Life's Quandaries
This is a quick read about synchronicity, how it can bring clarity, and coaching questions to solve what feels unsolvable.
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