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Micro-Learning Online

Earn ICF CCEs Refining Coaching and Business Skills


To all the lifelong learners who can’t always join us in person—we’ve got you covered. Coach on The Run is your online space to grow your coaching business, sharpen your skills, and stay connected from anywhere.

Each month, explore new business and coaching classes, plus earn ICF-approved CCEs for select courses. Learning, evolving, and thriving—on your schedule.

Bundles & Courses: Expand Your Coaching Toolkit

Explore a variety of exclusive Learning Journeys courses through Coach on the Run: Business, Resources & CCE Coaching Courses. Each month, new business and coaching classes are added to your library—helping you grow your business, sharpen your skills, and expand your coaching toolbox.

We’ve also partnered with trusted experts—who happen to be Learning Journeys graduates—to bring you additional valuable courses to support your business growth. While these partner courses are sold separately, we’ve personally experienced their impact and success. We’re excited to share them with you!

Exclusive Student Discount for Learning Journeys Students & Graduates

All Learning Journeys students and
graduates qualify for a special discount!


When purchasing, click the coupon link to enter your code. If you don’t
have it, email Amy at with the exact bundle
you're purchasing, as each bundle has a unique code. Enjoy $20 off the
Speaking &Web and Social Media editions!

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