Do you remember those wild childhood moments when all it took was a spark of curiosity—or pure stubbornness—to convince yourself you could do anything?
Like the time you ignored your brother's stern "DO NOT TOUCH" warning, grabbed his skateboard, found the steepest hill in town, and launched yourself into instant glory (or, more likely, a glorious wipeout).
Or when you rallied your cousins, declaring with total confidence that cows were just horses in disguise—totally rideable.
And let’s not forget the daring leap from the roof to the trampoline to the pool, fueled by nothing but blind faith and questionable physics.
Sure, maybe you lost a tooth, landed in a cow pie, or earned yourself a cast instead of a splash—but you kept going. You were unstoppable, fueled by a belief that the impossible was worth chasing.
So here’s the real question: When did that fearless drive to push boundaries stop? Sure, our bodies might not bounce back like they used to, but our minds and spirits are still hungry—aching—to discover what we’re capable of.
What’s waiting in your reservoir of untapped abilities?
And when are you going to take that first daring step to find out?